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Technology-based Environmental Enterprises Market Approach

Financial Framework: INTERREG 4B (MED)
Overall Budget: 1,2€ Million
Period: 2010-2012
Fields: Valorisation; promotion of the use of environmental technologies; internationalization; regional support schemes; internationalization; technology transfer; SMEs.
Objectives: Encouraging Environmental Technology based SMEs (ET-SMEs) to surpass the regional dimension and develop international activities.
  • Internationalisation of ET-SMEs TEMA will result in the improvement of the means available for ET SMEs to develop successful internationalisation and valorisation strategies aimed at improving of their competitiveness and market opportunities.
  • Opening-up of new markets for ET-SMEs Provide the necessary means to overcome the barriers and difficulties experienced by ET-SMEs.
  • Development of a consolidated ET-SMEs sector culture Gradual creation of a culture aware of the specificities of the sector and concerned with the development of internationalisation strategies
  • Complete project Management
  • Communication
  • Cluster development
  • Platform creation
  • Regional studies and policy analysis