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RESSORT: The Spring to Social Responsibility

Financial Framework: EQUAL
Overall Budget: 1,7€ Million
Period: 2005-2008
Fields: Corporate Social Responsibility; Dissemination; Training
Objectives: In the framework of the EQUAL Community Initiative, the Provincial of Barcelona, in collaboration with various stakeholders in the province of Barcelona (trade unions, business associations, municipalities, employers, regional councils, etc.) RESSORT undertook the project with the aim of improving job quality and competitiveness of SMEs in the territory through the implementation of CSR policies.
Target Groups: Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, third sector and social economy organizations, municipalities and public authorities.
  • Identification of good CSR practices, awareness-raising and dissemination of the project’s actions
  • Institutional training of the partner entities and the territories participating in the project
  • Design of tools for the development and application of CSR in SMEs in the following areas:
    • Equality, conciliation and managing diversity
    • Quality of conditions in the workplace
    • Environment, health and safety
    • Market, transparency and social action
  • Support for testing and the implementation of specific CSR practices in SMEs
  •  Evaluation and transfer of the model