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The DETECTA project, funded by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, which investigates non-intrusive methodologies supported by 4.0 enabling technologies to address predictive maintenance and cybersecurity in industrial environments, continues to advance.

One of the latest actions carried out in this field is the realization of a study on enabling technologies for predictive knowledge and industrial security thanks to the collaboration of FACYL and AEI Ciberseguridad partners, from which we can advance some preliminary results as follows: it is detected as the main source of threats with more danger in industrial environments, from the point of view of cybersecurity, is focused on people and processes, ahead of other aspects related to hardware, software and communications; ransomware attacks are considered the most dangerous threat to industrial cybersecurity, while firewalls (firewalls) are one of the most applied security solutions; the Digital Twin continues to have a very slow introduction in production environments compared to traditional production-oriented tools such as MES, ERP, PLM, or Excel; preventive maintenance is still predominant in the automotive sector, but there are already signs that point to total productive maintenance.

On the other hand, during the month of February, two meetings were held in the more technical context of the project at Maxi Industries, where the partners of the CIDAUT and FUNDITEC Technology Centers worked with experts in manufacturing and industrial maintenance to carry out in-situ concept tests, validating the requirements for the characterization and detection of anomalies in a milling machine based on experimental data and indicators from the industrial manufacturing scenario, from the point of view of maintainability and cybersecurity.