SaltGae in the news! Euronews programme Futuris visits our facilities

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The Euronews programme Futuris came to visit the facilities used for the SaltGae project to understand the potential of this technology.

Researchers for the European ‘Saltgae’ project are demonstrating how algae can cut the costs of treating polluted water – and do it in a sustainable way. The process is as old as life on earth. But scientists believe that photosynthesis, where plants use carbon dioxide, water and light to make their own food, is also a valuable resource in the treatment of wastewater.

The challenge of treating saline wastewater. The food and drink industry produces huge quantities of effluents, but current methods to treat it are often very expensive and not ecofriendly. There are around 22 000, wastewater treatment plants across Europe and the amount of energy they use accounts for more than 1% of the overall electricity consumption in the EU.


More information here.