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Strategic Hubs for the Analysis and Acceleration of the Mediterranean Solar Sector

Financial Framework: ENPI
Overall Budget: 3.200.344 €
Period: 2013-2015
Fields: Strategic Hub, Analysis and Acceleration of the Solar Sector, Mediterranean region, Promote solar energy
Objectives: SHAAMS project aims at creating a Strategic Hub for the Analysis and Acceleration of the Solar Sector in Mediterranean region, promoting solar energy in the region covered by the ENPI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme
SHAAMS will facilitate the take up of solar technologies by raising public awareness on energy efficiency through the transferability and implementation of good practices in legal, regulatory, economic, organizational issues and new financing mechanisms. Therefore, SHAAMS will define and implement a series of actions, by identifying and highlighting the opportunities and potentialities of solar energy solutions for the social and economic development of the region covered by the ENPI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme. The project will rely on a collaborative approach between partners while facilitating the exchange of data (indicators) between public administration bodies, research centers, universities, firms and agents of the civil society and allowing the consortium to analyze the needs, expectations and requirements of all the actors and to provide solutions coherent with all the agents’ needs.
  • SHAAMS Policy Accelerator: Policy support actions will be implemented in order to identify innovative solutions, solar energy strategies and to generate a unified approach towards a long term policy perspective for solar energy development.
  • SHAAMS Enterprise and Research Accelerator: Fostering market support structures and new procedures for the development of a reliable market for solar energy
  • SHAAMS Social Accelerator: The activities conceived in the section will address societal agents and intend to promote a cultural and behavioral change towards solar energy among society.