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Financial Framework: INTERREG IIIC
Overall Budget: 1,239,590.00€
Period: 2004-2007
Fields: Inter-regional Cooperation, Policy development; SMES; Cooperative activities.
Objectives: Funditec worked in the European project Interregional Entrepreneurial Teams (E-Teams), conducted between September 2004 and October 2007, and the participating universities, companies and public institutions from 9 different countries, that wanted to exchange experiences and to demonstrate what business needs to be transferred to political entities to promote policies that support SMEs. This project created a platform for cooperation between European SMEs to provide innovative solutions that were presented at the European Commission with the aim of taking into account for policies to support SMEs in cohesion programs European Union 2007-2013. The E-Teams are working groups composed of between 6 and 10 SMEs, together with representatives of the administration and the universities, each of the participating countries who worked in coordination with the so-called MAPs, groups which bring together representatives of the administration, university and private sector, and exploit the information provided by the e-Teams to design proposals for new policies to promote SMEs. MAP Funditec was part of Spain.
Target Groups: Public authorities, Regional Innovation Agents, Research Comunity, Entrepreneurs, SMEs, Business Development Agents
Activities: The overall aim of the operation is to create sustainable regional and interregional infrastructure(s) encouraging entrepreneurship as well as development and internationalisation in SMEs . E-teams will design, test and implement methodologies with intra and interregional entrepreneurial teams as a platform for knowledge and experience exchange between SMEs, regional actors and researchers in the involved regions. Teams will be created in different thematic fields based on common interests amongst the involved regions, such as for example environmental protection and technology. These teams will give continuous feed-back for adaptation of regional entrepreneurship policies and strategies.